The City of Arcadia is the county seat for DeSoto County. It is centrally located between Orlando, Ft. Myers; Sarasota and Lake Okeechobee at the crossroads of US 17 and State Route 70. Arcadia is famous throughout Florida for its historic downtown antique district. Additionally, on the fourth Saturday of each month, vendors from surrounding locations take over our streets with even more wares and precious finds. Tucked between the many antique shops, you'll have the chance to enjoy cafes, home cooking, a tea room, and a smoothie shop. The Arcadia All-Florida Championship Rodeo is held in March, the Annual Watermelon Festival in May at the height of the harvesting season, and car shows, parades, and special events take place throughout the year.Latest News
- Solid Waste Driver – Full TimeBy Patty CoramIn Press ReleasesOctober 1, 2024Under the supervision of a departmental supervisor, the incumbent performs skilled labor. General duties would consist of driving and operating a specialized vehicle …
- Building Maintenance Technician – Full TimeBy Patty CoramIn Press ReleasesOctober 1, 2024Under the supervision of the Public Works Director or Public Works Field Operations Manager, the incumbent performs a variety of tasks such as maintenance and repair of …
- INVITATION FOR BIDBy Penny DelaneyIn Press ReleasesSeptember 25, 2024NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Arcadia will accept sealed bids for IFB 2024-10 ARCADIA MUNICIPAL AIRPORT OBSTRUCTION REMOVAL as described within the context of …
- Attention: Information regarding trash pick-up as such relates to Tropical Storm HeleneBy Penny DelaneyIn Press ReleasesSeptember 25, 2024Due to Tropical Storm Helene, City of Arcadia offices will be closed on Thursday, September 25, 2024. We are asking City residents and businesses to not place their …
- ATTENTION: IFB 2024-08 SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE 2B, WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE 1B, MANDATORY PRE-BID MEETINGBy Penny DelaneyIn Press ReleasesSeptember 24, 2024There will be a Mandatory Pre-bid Meeting for IFB-2024-08 Sanitary Sewer Collection System Improvements, Phase 2B, Water Distribution System Improvements, Phase 1B held …
- Boil Water NoticeBy Beth CarstenIn Press ReleasesSeptember 20, 2024BOIL WATER NOTICE The water to the Cypress Garden Apartments at N 11thAvenue and E Cypress St will be shut off the morning of Friday, September 20, 2024, for about six …
- INVITATION FOR BIDBy Penny DelaneyIn Press ReleasesSeptember 12, 2024NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Arcadia will accept sealed bids for IFB 2024-08 SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE 2B, WATER DISTRIBUTION …
- PUBLIC NOTICE TO CITY OF ARCADIA WATER CUSTOMERSBy Beth CarstenIn Press ReleasesOctober 17, 2023PUBLIC NOTICE TO CITY OF ARCADIA WATER CUSTOMERS On Monday, October 30, 2023, the City of Arcadia Water Treatment Plant will switch from Chloramines to Free Chlorine …
City of Arcadia Civil Rights Contacts
ADA/Accessibility Coordinator
Patty Coram, Human Resources
Phone: 863-494-4114
Email: pcoram@arcadia-fl.gov
EOE/Equal Employment Opportunity Coordinator
Patty Coram, Human Resources
Phone: 863-494-4114
Email: pcoram@arcadia-fl.gov
Fair Housing Coordinator/Housing Program Manager
Beth Carsten, Assistant City Administrator
Phone: 863-494-4114
Email: ecarsten@arcadia-fl.gov
The City of Arcadia website is undergoing modifications to provide enhanced access to documents for disabled individuals who are visually impaired and to comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to make reasonable accommodations. If you would like to obtain a document not currently provided on the website, please contact our City Clerk, Penny Delaney, at 863-494-4114 Ext. 301 or pdelaney@arcadia-fl.gov. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we implement these changes.
Florida has a very broad public records law. Most written communications, to or from local officials regarding city business, are public records available to the public and media upon request. Your email communications may be subject to public disclosure.