SEALED PROPOSALS FOR UNIT TURNAROUND/FLIP (MAKE READY) AND CLEANING SERVICES WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE ARCADIA HOUSING AUTHORITY UNTIL 9:00 A.M. E.D.T. ON December 6, 2024, AT WHICH TIME ALL PROPOSALS WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED AND READ ALOUD AT 9:05 AM IN THE ARCADIA HOUSING AUTHORITY OFFICE CONFERENCE ROOM LOCATED AT 7 BOOKER T. WASHINGTON RD, ARCADIA, FL. 34266. Interested parties may obtain service specifications and contract requirements for this solicitation beginning November 4, 2024 until December 6, 2024 by contacting the AHA by written request at the above referenced address, by walk-in, by telephone request; 863-494-4343 OR by email request address; ALL PROPOSALS SHALL BE CONSPICUOUSLY MARKED, “UNIT TURNAROUND/FLIP (Make Ready) and CLEANING SERVICES”, ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE SEALED ENVELOPE. The AHA may reject any proposal not conforming to Proposal Specifications and Contract Requirements and select the proposal that is determined in the best interest of the AHA.