City of Arcadia, Florida

City Clerk

The City Clerk’s Office serves as a resource to our community, Council and staff by maintaining and preserving official documents and proceedings of the public bodies within the City. The City Clerk, who is the official custodian of public records, oversees the Records Management Division, which is responsible for implementing a comprehensive records management program.

The mission of the City Clerk’s Office is to provide services to the public and internal City Departments by recording, maintaining and preserving all official documents and proceedings of the City government and to be responsive to the need for accurate information through cost effective and efficient means with pride, integrity and trust. The City Clerk’s Office is committed to earning the trust and respect of the citizens, fellow employees and elected officials by consistently providing exceptional customer service throughout the entire department.


The Administration Division records and transcribes the official minutes of the boards, commissions and committees of the City government and performs the necessary administrative functions associated with these boards.


The Records Division provides services for all City departments by storing records, maintaining an inventory of those records, offering prompt retrieval for public records requests from citizens, news media and other governmental agencies as well as staff, Mayor and Council.


The Communications Division professionally greets and assists the public and accurately answers and directs telephone calls received by the City Hall switchboard.

Resources and External Links

Building Permit Reports
Council Agenda, Minutes, and Packets
Boards and Committees
Ordinances and Resolutions Online
Records Management
Florida State Statutes
Sunshine Law
Public Records Requests
Government-In-The-Sunshine Manual

The City of Arcadia website is undergoing modifications to provide enhanced access to documents for disabled individuals who are visually impaired and to comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to make reasonable accommodations. If you would like to obtain a document not currently provided on the website, please contact our City Clerk, Penny Delaney, at 863-494-4114 Ext. 301 or Thank you for your patience and understanding as we implement these changes.

Florida has a very broad public records law. Most written communications, to or from local officials regarding city business, are public records available to the public and media upon request. Your email communications may be subject to public disclosure.