Finance Department Mission Statement:
The primary mission of the Finance Department is to preserve the financial integrity of the City of Arcadia, while assuring the availability of funds to accomplish the City’s goals.
- Budgeting preparation, monitoring and oversight
- Recording and monitoring revenue transactions of the City
- Accounts payable
- Purchasing
- Payroll
- Investment management
- Debt management
- Capital assessment management
- Utility Billing Department
- Cemetery sales and oversight
Finance staff prepare all financial reports in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), make all payments to vendors, and ensure compliance with state and federal requirements. They are responsible for recording all revenue transactions for the City. Transactions include Utility payments, Solid Waste Pickups, Code Enforcement Fines, Airport Fees, Business Licenses, Cemetery Sales, Golf Course Sales and Police Department Fines.
The Finance Department prepares the budget for the City on behalf of the City Manager and in cooperation with all departments. The fiscal year begins October 1st. The budget process for each year begins in February.
Purchasing is responsible for developing and implementing all policies and procedures related to purchases for the City of Arcadia. To ensure the financial integrity of the City, purchases of various goods and services are reviewed by Purchasing. Click here for a current list of solicitations.