City of Arcadia, Florida

Utility Projects

Project Name Project Description Start Date Projected End Date
Phase 1 – Sanitary Collection System Improvement Project Installation of approximately 1,500 linear feet of 12”, 15” and 18” sanitary sewer along Parker Street including a jack and bore under SR 70 and associated roadway restoration; improvements to the WWTP Influent Pump Station; rehabilitation/ replacement of eleven lift stations; and replacement of approximately 4,800 LF of existing 8”, 10” and 18” sanitary sewer and 12 manholes. N/A N/A
Trickling Filter Media Replacement and Painting Replacement of trickling filter (TF) media for two filters, cleaning and coating the exterior filter tanks and splitter box, replacement of the TF influent weir gates and specified hose racks and bibs. N/A N/A
FEMA Sewer Replacement Project Replacement/installation of approximately 10 manholes, 900 linear feet of 8” sanitary sewer, reestablishment of wastewater services, point repairs and roadway restoration N/A N/A

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